What are the preparation and aftercare tips for carbon laser peel?

Now you can get flawless skin the Hollywood way! So the facts go as follows: the carbon laser peel is a favorite among the top celebrities for its radiant potential and its power to rejuvenate skin. And yes, we agree too! Carbon Laser Peel is a non-invasive and relatively gentle skin resurfacing procedure that is primarily used to improve the texture and appearance of the skin. It involves applying a carbon lotion to the skin and then using a special laser to remove it. This process exfoliates the skin, stimulates collagen production, and can improve skin texture and appearance. Now you’ve got it right, why is it called ‘the Hollywood peel?’ It’s used to treat issues like acne, large pores, and fine lines with minimal downtime. A carbon laser peel can be your path to radiant skin. But before you embark on this rejuvenating journey, learn the prep and aftercare that’s essential for a smoother experience. Let’s go!

The preparation tips: For that glow

  1. Consult with a professional:

First things first, consult a qualified dermatologist or skincare specialist. We at Keha are always delighted to serve you the best experience with our best professionals. Book an appointment today with our best derma team. After all, you wouldn’t attempt a trapeze act without a safety net, would you?

  1. Say no to the sun.

The sun and your skin are not best friends before the treatment. So, bid farewell to that beach vacation you’ve been planning—at least for a while before the carbon laser peel.

  1. Bare-Faced Beauty:

Remove all makeup and skincare products before your appointment. Your skin needs to be as fresh and clean as new. And if not, fret not. We at Keha will give you a refreshing cleaning before the procedure.

  1. Goodbye to hair removals!

Avoid any hair removal treatments before your laser peel. You wouldn’t want your skin to be more upset before the treatment.

  1. Patience is key.

Prepare to be patient. Results don’t happen overnight. After 1 or 2 sessions typically you can see effective results.

The aftercare tips: Hello radiance

  1. Again, sunscreen is your BFF.

If the sun was your skin’s enemy before, it’s now a sworn nemesis. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen religiously. Think of it as your skin’s personal bodyguard after your carbon laser peel treatment.

  1. Keep your skin as cool as a cucumber.

Apply cool compresses to ease any post-treatment redness or discomfort. Keha Pro tip: Store cucumber slices in the fridge for an extra soothing effect.

  1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate:

Your skin will need all the love it can get, so moisturize regularly. It’s like a spa day for your face.

  1. Skip sweat:

Steer clear of saunas, hot showers, and activities that make you break a sweat for a few days. Your skin is like a delicate flower that needs time to bloom.

  1. No peeking, please.

Refrain from picking or peeling at your skin. It’s not a DIY project, and patience is the name of the game.

Reveal a fresher you

At Keha, to keep that radiant complexion, we recommend follow-ups, skincare products, and other treatments. After all, we believe you didn’t come this far to let it all go to waste! At Keha, a carbon laser peel treatment can be your ticket to flawless, youthful skin, but only if you prepare and pamper it as it deserves. Remember, it’s not just your skin that will be radiant; your confidence will be, too. To cheer on that, find out all about our treatment options, experts, technology, safety, and more on our website, www.kehaskinclinic.com or call us at +91-9390512365, or visit our social media pages. Your journey to luminosity starts here!

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