Peeling off the older you- Chemical Peels

Before and after results of chemical peel treatment for clear and radiant skin at Keha Skin Clinic

Considering some quick uplifting treatment for your skin? There are various options to choose from. But one of the most effective treatments that you can opt for is a chemical peel. We know the term “chemical” does sound a little scary, but it is quite a safe procedure when done at a professional dermatological center like Keha. We advise you to avoid the at-home chemical peels that you get so randomly at every skincare shop. 

During a chemical peel session, your dermatologist will apply a small amount of chemical, usually containing Glycolic acid, Salicylic acid and Lactic acid, to your skin using a cotton gauze. This is followed by a cool compress that helps to soothe the skin. Depending on what you are trying to treat, and the extent of damage your skin has, the number of sessions that you may need will vary.

How does a Chemical Peel Help you?

Post a chemical peel the outer damaged layer of skin peels out giving way to the new and healthy skin below. You can choose from a range of chemical peels types based on what you are trying to resolve. It can vary from a superficial, medium depth to a deep chemical peel. The Superficial chemical peels often consist of lesser sessions and are meant to help you reduce tan and help you get glowing skin. The medium depth peels help to minimize pores, help to erase fine lines and treat acne. The deep peels help to soothe scarring and help to remove wrinkles to give a young and bright skin.

While chemical peels are fine for all skin types, you need to ensure that you speak with a professional before you go on board with the procedure. People with open sores or lesions should avoid chemical peels as they will burn the tissues and will cause a lot of damage with the possibility of scar formation. Additionally, those who are already undergoing skin treatment for acne or spend long hours under direct sunlight may not be good candidates for chemical peels. 

Chemical Peels is a great way to get rid of dry and dull skin and get back to your radiant self. It is quite safe when done with professional care. Keha offers a line of specialized Chemical Peel procedures that helps to give your skin the rejuvenation that you are looking for. Contact our experts to know more about the options that are available for your specific skin type.

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