Busting myths about early intervention of GFC treatment for hair loss

Busting myths about early intervention of GFC treatment for hair loss

Martin Luther once said, “Hair is the richest ornament of a person.” Now, in a world where appearance often shapes perceptions and self-confidence, the significance of healthy, luscious locks cannot be overstated. Yet, the journey to maintaining vibrant hair can sometimes be fraught with challenges, particularly when faced with the prospect of hair loss. Hair […]

Scalp micro-pigmentation – an Instant Solution to Thin Hair

Scalp micro-pigmentation - an Instant Solution to Thin Hair

Scalp micro-pigmentation – an Instant Solution to Thin Hair What is GFC therapy? Now, this is a term that has been doing the rounds in the world of Skin and Hair treatment for a few years. While you may have come across it a number of times, you probably did not know it is a […]

Getting Back to Yourself with Hair Regrowth!

Hair Regrowth

Getting Back to Yourself with Hair Regrowth! Hair is an important aspect of our personality and we all love a full mane of shiny and bouncy hair. Good hair and skin do boost our confidence. We normally lose about 70-100 hair strands everyday but hair loss or alopecia can be a worrying issue if you […]